We invest in oil&gas exploration and extraction, and have wide interests in the mineral resource field.
We are also keenly interested in oil&gas technology.
In evaluating its investment opportunities Selvino Investement applies the best international practices and guidelines.

The methodology and approaches of the African Development Bank (www.afdb.org) rank highly among those. We repost some of the applicable research and information from ADB to highlight the regions of our interests, the approaches that we employ and the challenges we and our potential partners need to face while investing in the developing world.

Strengthening private sector engagement in the oil and gas value chain in Uganda and Kenya

PDF, 2.38 MB

Strengthening private sector engagement in the oil and gas value chain in Uganda

PDF, 1.96 MB

Chile’s fiscal policy and mining revenue

PDF, 13 MB

Running the numbers. How African governments model extractive projects. (Analytical report)

PDF, 1.45 MB

African Natural Resources Center’s strategy for 2015-2020

PDF, 1.6 MB

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